Are you having strange and/or disturbing experiences?
During adolescence or early adulthood, some young people may have unsettling experiences, such as hearing voices or feeling that others are trying to harm them. With these situations you may feel like you are alone, but it is possible to get help.
PsyYoung informs young people and their relatives
Our aim is to provide young people and their relatives with information and support, including descriptions of the various screening and treatment centres available in their canton.

And offers a platform for professionals
A training offer and reference materials about at risk mental states are offered to health professionals.
Our next events
PsyYoung trainings for professionals | Various dates
SGPP PSY-Congress | September 7-8. 2023 | Bern
Mad Pride | October 7, 2023 | Lausanne
PsyYoung Conference 2023 | November 10, 2023 | Geneva