Why PsyYoung?
One out of 20 young people displays what is known as an “at risk mental state”, which predisposes him or her to the development of one or more psychological disorders such as depression, substance abuse problems or a first episode of psychosis.
An at risk mental state can also be accompanied by cognitive and relational difficulties that can hinder daily life as well as educational or professional activities.
Support by health professionals specially trained in at-risk mental state detection and management can reduce the impact of mental difficulties on daily life and the risk of progression of more disabling disorders. It also makes it possible to limit the need for hospitalization and drug treatment and supports social integration.
PsyYoung is a transcantonal project involving three large conurbations (Basel, Lausanne and Geneva). Its aim is to optimise and harmonise practices within the care services for adolescents and young adults with at-risk mental state.
With an improved coordination throughout the care journey and provided services, including social actors and relevant associations, PsyYoung aims to promote the mental health, quality of life and social and professional functioning of adolescents and young adults with at-risk mental states.

Why PsyYoung ?
According to the WHO report, 50% of mental disorders begin before the age of 14.
However, effective treatment and care are often delayed until early adulthood, in the context of psychological decompensation and/or when symptoms have already been present for several months or even years.
In recent years, evidence-based medicine has identified the warning signs and attenuated symptoms that can raise the alarm.
Early detection requires awareness-raising among young people themselves, their entourage and the local health and social network in order to allow for timely, coordinated and equivalent intervention in the various regions of Switzerland.
The PsyYoung project, supported by Health Promotion Switzerland, aims to improve the early detection and intervention, and follow-up of at-risk mental states in adolescents and young adults.
Steering Committee

Dr. Luis Alameda
Associate Physician
Head of TIPP Program (Traitement et intervention précoce dans la psychose)
General Psychiatry Service
(CHUV Lausanne)

Prof. Dr. Christina Andreou
Project Leader
(CHUV Lausanne)

Prof. Dr. Marco Armando
Associate Professor – Head of Unit
University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(CHUV Lausanne)

Dr. phil. Barbara Bailey
PsyYoung workpackage leader

Dr. Rémy Barbe
Medical Director (OMP)
Head of Unit
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service
(HUG Geneva)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Borgwardt
Research Group Leader and Associate Professor at the Adult Clinic
(ZIP UKSH Lübeck)

Prof. Dr. Philippe Conus
Head of Service,
General Psychiatry Service
(CHUV Lausanne)

PD. Dr. Logos Curtis
Senior Attending Physician – Head of Unit
Young Adult Psychiatry Unit
(HUG Geneva)

MD Dr. Anne Edan
Associate Physician
Head of Crisis Unit “Malatavie”
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service
(HUG Genève)

Davina Genoud
Project Manager
University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(CHUV Lausanne)

Prof. Evelyn Herbrecht
Deputy Head of Service
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service
(UPK Basel)

Prof. Dr. Christian Huber
Head Physician
Adult Clinic
(UPK Basel)

Dr. Nathalie Nanzer
Head of Service
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service
(HUG Genève)

Dr. Ana-Liso Navarro
Associate Physician
Office Médico-Pédagogique

Prof. Dr. Kerstin von Plessen
Head of Service
University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(CHUV Lausanne)

Prof. Dr. Philipp Sterzer
Head Physician
Center for diagnosis and crisis intervention
(UPK Basel)
Local coordination

Dr. Luis Alameda
Associate Physician
Head of TIPP Program (Traitement et intervention précoce dans la psychose)
General Psychiatry Service
(CHUV Lausanne)

Prof. Dr. Marco Armando
Associate Professor – Head of Unit
University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(CHUV Lausanne)

PD. Dr. Logos Curtis
Senior Attending Physician – Head of Unit
Young Adult Psychiatry Unit
(HUG Geneva)

MD Dr. Anne Edan
Associate Physician
Head of Crisis Unit “Malatavie”
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service
(HUG Genève)

Prof. Dr. Christian Huber
Head Physician
Adult Clinic
(UPK Basel)

Dr. Ana-Liso Navarro
Associate Physician
Office Médico-Pédagogique
Project Manager

Davina Genoud
Project Manager
University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(CHUV Lausanne)

Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel (UPK)
Contractual partner
Zentrum für Psychotische Erkrankungen
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27
4002 Basel

Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
Consortium partner
Rue du Bugnon 21
1011 Lausanne

Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève (HUG)
Consortium partner
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève